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The Need for Independent Education

There is an insatiable demand for education and this could be a good time for Phoenix College to grow in order to ensure future viability. Because of present financial constraints, Phoenix College is in the situation that it needs to fight for survival.


Fees income is under threat and as Phoenix College caters for previously disadvantaged learners from the lower socio economic classes, there is a limit to the fees increase that can be charged. Increased tuition fees also result in lower subsidy being received.

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Caring For Children

The ‘World’s Children’s Prize for the Rights of the Child” was awarded to Phoenix College by a Swedish N.G.O. for the part played in re-uniting learners with their families in foreign countries.

Numerous testimonials have been received from parents. Bursaries are awarded to eligible children. Children who cannot get home are cared for.


Rights of Children Certificate
