100% Pass Rate

Since 2008 Phoenix College has been a consistent performer as a top achieving school in the South Gauteng District.

Our Vision

To be one of the best schools in the country in order to deliver the category of graduates that can fill top positions in the new South Africa.

Our Mission

To provide the broadest possible education that is not catered for in the national curriculum but is a requirement for success.

Our History

Fred Boltman, a retired engineer, used his savings, insurance payouts and pension payout to found Phoenix College in order to empower the community by supplying quality education at an affordable cost to historically disadvantaged learners from the poorer socio- economic classes. With the drop in the economic climate, he mortgaged his home in order to obtain finances to keep the school afloat.

The Phoenix in Greek mythology was a bird that died in flames. Out of the ashes, a baby bird was born. In 1994, the name Phoenix College was chosen to be symbolic of the new dispensation that was arising out of the ashes of the old. A more suitable name could not be found and so Phoenix College was born.

Phoenix College has occupied Happiness House for approximately 20 years. The location of the building, conveniently close to rail and taxi services, has been a key factor underlying the college’s success but the building may not be able to accommodate planned future growth and additional accommodation will have to be sought. As the present building is fully occupied, Phoenix College is engaged with planning a second school for which the land has already been purchased. 

The full- time school caters mainly for learners that live in the inner city. However ,many also come from areas such as Katlehong, Thokoza, Soweto and Alexandra. A minority of learners come from outside our borders.

In about 2006, however, Phoenix College took in 16 refugees from the DRC (previously Zaire) whose parents had been massacred in the war. They were fed, provided with uniforms and after they passed Matric, they were united with family members that were traced overseas. Many of them obtained their degrees in Sweden, Canada, the U.S.A. and other countries.

The full time school is supported by approximately 54 teachers and 18 administration staff while Matric Re-write Centre have additional teaching staff. The total full time staff complement is 72 and Phoenix College is fully BBEEE compliant.

The staff members are professionals that place education above their ambitions. Phoenix College is an NPO that is run by an executive committee consisting of :

  • Chairperson -C. Levin who is a practicing attorney
  • Managing Director – F. Boltman, a retired Professional Engineer
  • Financial Manager – P. Ndlovu
  • Principal – S. Mlalazi
  • Vice-principal – L.Moyo

Our Values

  • Honest
  • Trustworthiness
  • Accountability
  • Integrity
  • Persistent
  • Responsibility



Support Phoenix

An independent school such as Phoenix College is paid a far lesser amount than a public school whilst the funding norms dictate that it must obtain results that are better than those obtained by public schools in order to obtain the government subsidy. 


Please consider supporting the continued excellence of Phoenix.
